ML Performance, Guaranteed

We combine automatic testing with developer-driven testing for the most comprehensive approach to machine learning testing ever.

A two-pronged approach to testing for full coverage

Lumeros Auto-DL Test

The Lumeros Auto-DL Test is our plug and play solution for any ML product. We help companies continuously implement the latest and greatest of ML testing research with just a few lines of code. Learn more about how you could shave months off your next ML project.

Lumeros Developer Suite

When safety is critical ML engineers need to step up to define and redefine what comprehensive testing is. Get ahead of false positives, manage stakeholders, and use domain knowledge to beat data drift by generating the relevant data you need.

Why Lumeros?

  • 6 Months faster GTM

    Deploy in new scenarios faster by simulating new environments.

  • 90% Time saved on manual analysis

    Test hypothesis instantly rather than wait weeks for data sourcing and processing.

  • Guaranteed meaningful bug detection

    Your first run for Lumeros Auto-DL is free! We unveil failure patterns through semantically sensible synthetic data.